Free Trans Vocal Training Workshop

September 28th, 2024

3:30 pm-5:30 pm

66 Willow Ave., Suite 202, SI, NY 10305

(In-person or Virtual Trans Voice Training)

For all ages welcome! Registration is required.

In-person or virtual trans voice training for both masculinizing and feminizing your voice. FREE voice training workshop for all TGNC+ people. Trans voice coach Edith Boucher-Hazelton(they/she/he) is a queer and gender non-conforming singer, instrumentalist, dancer, performance artist, and gender-affirming voice teacher. Pastries and coffee will also be served. Please register below to attend this two-hour trans-vocal training workshop.

 Some of the things you will learn during this workshop:

  • A general overview of voice training 

  • Learn the difference of sound qualities of the voice. The voice is beyond pitch (there’s so much more than having a high or low voice!) 

  • Exercises that can help you find the voice you want to have 

  • Understanding the anatomy behind voice production 

  • How to make sure you are taking care of yourself and your voice 

  • Vocal exercises to get you started on your journey

Registration is required! Once registered, and would like to meet virtually refer to this Zoom link:

For more information contact River Weisz, MSW at  718-808-1354,