James J. Smith Video Memorial


The Pride Center of Staten Island would like to invite the LGBTQ+ community and its allies to send a video honoring Jim.

Jim was one of the first members of the board of the LGBT Community Center which became the Pride Center of Staten Island. He continued his tenure on the board until he fell ill. He was one of the first Grand Marshals of the Pride March that took place on the boardwalk in Staten Island in 2005 and a recipient of the One Island, One Pride award, given to outstanding members of the LGBTQ community of Staten Island.in 2012. Jim was also a member of the Founders Circle. His connection to the Pride Center of Staten Island was legendary and will be surely missed

To add your video tribute please click the Link below and you will be sent a link where you can send your file. So that we can include as many people possible we respectfully ask that your video should be under 2 minutes

Please fill out the form in the upload link so you can be credited in the video
